Wednesday, June 25, 2008


While it's certainly true that I'm a MUCH bigger football fan these days (go VIKINGS!), when I was a kid I was a huge basketball fan. I played organized basketball from my 5th grade year all the way through high school, and most of my free time was devoted to finding people to play ball with me, too.

Recently, probably because of an interest in watching the Celtics play in the finals and because I found NBA Live 06 for my XBox360 for $5 at my local K-Mart, I have re-developed my love for basketball. I'll admit that I haven't really followed basketball that closely for the past several years. It might be because my beloved Chicago Bulls have not been the same since 1998, but it's probably because the NBA in general does not have the same feel. In the late 80s through the 90s, the NBA seemed larger than life. Sure, the NBA has some huge stars these days... Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, etc, but in the 80s and 90s the stars just seemed so much bigger... Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, Isaiah Thomas, Hakeem Olajuwan, Patrick Ewing, a young Shaquille O'Neal and of course Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan. Maybe I'm biased, but I really miss those days.

So, I leave you with this video. If this doesn't bring back memories, I don't know what will! :-)

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